[A subscriber writes]: "I'm concerned about some strange noises I notice when I record from home. It seems to be coming from my nose And appears on the wav file as a click. Have you come across this before? I have been able to minimize it a little by
being well hydrated and using a saline nasal, spray but it persists and it makes me hesitate about persuing voice-over the way I would like."
[Susan Berkley]: "Ah, the human body. It belches, creaks, growels and clicks, sometimes at the most inopertune times. I have no idea what causes this noise you are describing, but you're doing the right thing by hydrating before sessions and using that saline nasal spray. There are no side effects with saline and if it helps, great. You might also try a neti pot with a saline nasal rinse that goes deeper into the sinus cavities than a saline spray. Experiment also with what you eat before recording. Sometimes dairy and fried foods can gunk up the works, so I would try to eliminate them on days when you go before the mic.
You didn't say whether or not this sound happened during words or in between them or if it is constant or intermittant. If it's between words, you can easily edit it out. Problem solved. If it happens on the words, try mic'ing yourself differently, speaking above the mic, rather than below it where the mic is pointed right at your nose and picking up
those sounds. Different mics might make the sound better or worse, so you may want to experiment. Finally, you can also play around with the EQ and see if you can eliminate the noise that way.
At the end of the day, we human beings are perfectly imperfect and all of us have to adjust our recording parameters to deal with our own peculiarities. I wouldn't
stress about this so much and I wonder if others even notice it as much as you do. Let me know if my suggestions help."
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