Want Your Email Demo Attachments
To Stand Out? Name 'Em Clearly!
By Stew Crossen
Voice Actor & Coach
Voice Over Workshop
Voice Actor & Coach
Voice Over Workshop
BEFORE you attach that file and hit send ... STOP and THINK! Think about File Naming Convention.
File what?
You're a voice actor with a great demo mp3 that you need to email to prospective clients.
But in today's business world, everyone is swamped with email, and media professionals receive hundreds of emails with attachments.
So before you email an attachment to someone, take a moment to think about the file name, and how the end user will handle and manage your file once it hits their inbox.
Imagine receiving 20, 30, 40 or more different attachments every day or week and saving them all on your PC.
A busy professional may not have time to review your attachment the minute it's received, and may wait a day or even a week to listen to your mp3.
So it's very important to give your file a name that clearly identifies it.
Here are three bad examples of file attachment names I received yesterday:
- DS1301.jpg
- Track 01.mp3
- MediaKit08.pdf
If those attachment files ended up in your inbox or a folder on your PC, could you tell who sent them and what they are? No, I didn't think so.
The folks who sent them didn't give much thought or consideration to File Naming Convention.
Imagine what it looks like when a busy person opens their attachment directory and your attachment is mixed in with 50 other poorly named files?
Wouldn't it be better if:
- DS1301.jpg was named BeefStewCDArt.jpg
- Track 01.mp3 was named Muffin-Top_If-Only-You-Knew.mp3
- MediaKit08.pdf was named NextAmericanIdol_MediaKit2008
Much better, don't you think?
If you wrote a book, would you name it BK129? Would you name your child RS4500? No, of course you wouldn't.
Name your attachment files exactly what they are. With proper names, files are easy to identify and manage.
So the next time you send a file attachment, take a moment to think how the file name will look when it reaches the end user.
If you want your attachment file to stand out and be recognized, give it a good name.
Stew "Beef Stew" Crossen is a 50-year veteran of the CT entertainment and broadcasting scene, including work as a musician, producer, news anchor, program director and voice actor. For 13 years, he hosted a popular radio program on 106.9 WCCC in Hartford. He received three awards as a community television producer, and is a 2008 recipient of a KBA award for commercial radio. He teaches voice-over courses at Manchester Community College and is the owner of Voice Over Workshop LLC.
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